This episode originally aired as the Patreon bonus episode for July 2018. The original description follows:
So I'd been wanting to do something a bit different with this month's bonus League episode and eventually settled on doing a plot a la the movie The Hangover, in which a group of people wake up, discover that they've lost all memory of the night before, and have to retrace their steps in order to figure out what happened.
And then I got the results of the $5 Patreon poll and saw the characters that you wanted the hosts to play. Skeletor? Janet from The Good Place? Freaking Optimus Prime?! How was I supposed to do a memory loss plot with characters like that?
This was probably the single most difficult session of League I've ever had to write, but in the end I found it very fulfilling and tons of fun to do. I hope that you all do too. Thanks for your support!
Additional music this episode is "Noise Attack" and "Exhilarate" by Kevin MacLeod ( Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License.
When the Polynesian trickster god Maui steals the golden apples of the Hesperides and the mighty Olympian demigod known as Hercules is sent to get them back, there's only one way to figure out who would win in a fight. And when you're doing a Smash Fiction match between Disney characters, there's only one guest host to call in: Kris Newton of Gameable and MegaDumbCast! Unfortunately, Kris' attempts at thinking are immediately lost in a sea of yelling, as arguments over animated films about the power of love and friendship become possibly more heated than they ever have before!
Also, Claire dives deep into the realm of cartoon physics (which is to be expected), MeganBob joins in on the raised voices and name-calling (which is most assuredly not to be expected) and Dan unwitting unleashes horrors the human mind was not meant to consider in the Lightning Round!
Ship Wrecked is back for a second date, and if you thought dinner was fun, wait till you hear about romantic thrift store shopping! The latest edition of Smash Metafiction's spectacular speed dating game features different characters, new locations, and of course, more wrinkles, as we attempt to find a fictional couple deserving of the title of OTP! Is there a chance these ships are seaworthy, or is the love between, say, 1000-year-old supernatural monsters and shape-changing teenage alien warriors forever destined to fail?
Also, Claire continues her relentlessly punny ways, Kit brings a knife to a smooch fight, two contestants decide to get it on immediately, and Liz Logan completely reinvents an iconic comic book character by virtue of knowing almost nothing about them.
It’s rare to get a do-over when your world is destroyed, but the alternate-dimension bending and timeline restoration powers of the Chrono Cross promise just that. Serge is ready to pass on his timeline white-out device and three Final Fantasy heroines with post-apocalyptic homes will do whatever it takes to get their hands on it. Terra Branford of Final Fantasy VI, Tifa Lockhart of Final Fantasy VII, and Lightning of Final Fantasy XIII fight it out in the Temporal Vortex using all the magic and combat skills in their respective arsenals.
Claire schools everyone on the power of Espers; Dan fondly recalls the time Tifa made pseudo-Sephiroth cry; MeganBob bashes fictional horses, and Judge Miles takes the advocates on a field trip to bizarre and familiar place in the Lightning round.
There was an idea (Smash Fiction listeners know this) called the Surprise Party Initiative. The idea was to bring together a group of remarkably nerdy idiots who could take the casts of popular stories and replace them with fictional characters from other stories, then compete with each other to see whose party would be the best one at completing the original story. It's a pretty stupid notion, but what the hell, we've done it twice before, might as well do it again!
As you may have guessed, this time around, the SmashFic hosts are making their own teams of Avengers to fight off Loki and the invading Chitauri! With Dan as both their guide and their judge, they draft a set of heroes, compete in challenges from the film, and try to score the most points on the path that leads, inevitably, toward schwarma.
Kit and Claire maintain their personal brands by picking exactly the characters you'd expect them to pick, Liz Logan uses her Surprise Party debut to provide one of the most heartbreaking moments in the history of storytelling, and Dan ends the contest with a final, massive twist that drives everybody in the world insane. Probably.
This episode originally aired as the Patreon bonus episode for June 2018. The original description follows:
Miles' June bonus content is a little late, but better late than never! Unless you happen to be Claire Mulkerin, of course. In that case, you would have chosen the "never" option in a heartbeat if it meant never, ever having to re-watch Zack Snyder's much-maligned 2011 film, Sucker Punch. Unfortunately for Claire, Miles really likes Sucker Punch, and now they have to TALK ABOUT IT.
What is Sucker Punch, anyway? What does it mean? Why can't Claire see past the violence, the implied violence, the lack of characterization, the inconsistent acting, the dubiously-constructed dialogue, and the shoddy action sequences to whatever the hell it is that Miles sees beneath, and finds fascinating? Fortunately, you support our work with your hard-earned money, so you get to find out!
How's that for a sucker punch?
The real villain behind the chaos in the Mushroom Kingdom has been revealed and the League have their sights set on his fortress. With no other path before them, the heroes are forced to gather allies, resources... and some sweet wheels.
Nico tries to start a book club; Stitch does hard time; Vivian should maybe consider wearing a bell; Luna makes some ill-advised promises; and Dante says goodbye.