In Smash Fiction's special Halloween episode, that peerless band of exorcists-for-hire, the Ghostbusters, travel to the small, shrouded resort town known as Silent Hill. Can Venkman, Ray, Egon, and Winston clear out the horrific haven of hellish nightmares, or will Pyramid Head and his demons continue to haunt the minds of those who enter Silent Hill...but never leave?
The two most famously scorned and slandered spell-slingers in the history of black magic are up to their old tricks again. After being snubbed out of a party invitation, Maleficent and the Wicked Witch of the West decide to throw a couple parties of their own. The only catch is that they don't plan on letting any of the guests reach their castles alive! Will Maleficent's wall of thorns and draconic shape-shifting be enough to keep out the most would-be revelers, or will the Wicked Witch's flying monkeys and fields of poppies be more effective? Special guest Tim Mulkerin joins the cast of Smash Fiction this week. Also, after the credits, we spoil the ending of a movie that came out in 2006. Just so you know.
The villainous Monarch will choke on his own hatred before allowing Dr. Thaddeus Venture to show off his new invention at the science expo! To foil his arch-enemy, the Monarch hires the covert agency ISIS to steal Venture's creation, and top/most obnoxious agent Sterling Archer (Codename: Duchess) is assigned the task. But Venture's walking Swedish murder machine, Brock Samson, is on watch to prevent any funny business. It's spy vs. spy as Samson and Archer enter the danger zone and begin a deadly game of cat and also cat, in Smash Fiction's most quote-heavy episode to date!
Smash Fiction friends Anton Balane and Brad Bultman join the show for a battle of fencing, buckle-swashing, and romance, as the beautiful (though somewhat withdrawn) Princess Elsa has drawn the eyes of the spectacular Spanish swordsman Inigo Montoya and the masked crusader of Californian justice, Zorro. But only one can win her definitely-not-pierced-by-frost-magic heart! The duel rages across Elsa's balcony (before moving to a place that is far, far away). Which master of the blade will defeat his rival and rule Arendelle by Elsa's side?