Put on your muscle shirt, break out your best evil laugh, and prepare for an epic Smashtoberfest confrontation between ancient mummies and skeleton demons...as only 1980s cartoon shows can deliver! By popular demand, the Smash Fiction crew takes on yet another of the most hotly-debated questions in all the multiverse: Who would win in a fight between He-Man's iconically-voiced purple-and-blue nemesis, Skeletor, and the bandage-wrapped bane of Third Earth, Mumm-Ra?
The two classically evil fiends square off in the tower of Merklynn (you know, from that Visionaries show -- oh wait, the Mulkerins are the only people who actually remember that was a thing) and are prepared to resort to any and all tactics that will allow them to walk off with the wizard's fabled treasure (not to mention some great rolls on the magic item tables). Will Skeletor's Havoc Staff, endless arsenal of verbose insults, and defunct but still inspirational Facebook page be enough to prove him the true master of the universe? Or will Mumm-Ra call upon the ancient spirits of evil for one final, unbeatable transformation sequence, and do to Skeletor what he did to the Thundercats in that one DC comic book we should all have agreed never to talk about?
Also, Miles lays the smackdown on the Eternian political system, Dan and Colin make a ridiculous amount of D&D references, Liz does the best Skeletor impression, Kit's Lightning Round is as insane as it is predictable, and Brett Van Donsel provides some seriously spooky intro music (with an assist from wwww.incompetech.com).